Sunday, July 12, 2009

King of Lollipops

After hearing about Michael Jackson's ("MJ") death and observing America's reaction, I was awakened from an ignorant slumber. I learned that the moral fiber has been torn from this country by popular media, rolled into a rope, formed into a noose, and used to lynch this nation in a perverse suicide. As a Christian, I expected an island of hope among my fellows and found none. I came to the realization that those who have an unending amount of tolerance for a child molesting, transvestite clown would descend upon me like a pack of hungry wolves for my compassion toward the clown's victims, I realized I should back out fast.

Before I proceed, I'd like to draw you to a hypothetical scenario. Let's say our friendly neighborhood transvestite admitted to you that he slept with underage boys, but it wasn't sexual. Would you believe him? Would you honestly need a scientific investigation, followed by a trial by Jury to figure this guy out? A thinking person would understand that a grown transvestite or any other man has no business sleeping with under aged boys in his own bed, without adult supervision. I'd also like to add that a rape kit is not going to pick up on fondling and the American Criminal Justice system is engineered to give a preponderance of benefit to the accused. I mention this so that any thoughts approaching excuses for the sake of the two former subjects are quickly dismissed. I would like to mention that I see nothing wrong with a father sleeping in the same bed with his son in appropriate situations, but this is clearly not the case with MJ.

There is one person, of those I engaged, that had a legitimate complaint against my glee for the death of the pedophiliac "King of Lollipops" and that was simply because this person was personally affected by false claims of pedophilia against their loved one in the past. The accuser later apologized to the accused publicly for the incident. This incident left the individual, of who I make mention in the first sentence in this paragraph, sensitive to matters of this type and description.

Some claimed MJ's innocence, despite his admission to sleeping with boys in the same room where drugs, alcohol, and pornography were found by investigators, based solely on their enjoyment of his mediocre entertainment. Entertainment is an interesting subject in it self, but let's examine further what has happened in it's name in this situation solely, for the moment. Yes, you will here those who site MJ's philanthropy and his "love for children" to excuse their worship of one of America's entertainment gods, but the truth is, they thought he was a cute little boy and were taken by his Step and Fetch It act. These people chose to believe in his innocence because he entertained them. He entertained them. They sold their moral fortitude for entertainment: not gold, silver, diamonds, fame, etc. The exchange was made for entertainment. I repeat myself to draw emphasis to the inexpensive price at which American Christians can be bought.

I was always under the impression, falsely, that people will generally err on the side of caution, especially in matters of grave importance. MJ's death has shown us otherwise. I propose that the ravenous defense of MJ is not based on justice, but rather comfortablility and convenience. It is not comfortable or convenient for a Christian, or any other American for that matter, to be a fan of a child molester. We would like to think that our morals, standards, and or faith would elevate us to a higher degree. How could we, the intelligent centers of our own universe by which we judge all things, be as a low life and celebrate such severe evil? How can we, the enlightened moralists, align ourselves with a man who has destroyed the lives of his victims by rubbing their young bodies with his own? How can we like a man who pressed his body against that of a young boy for sexual pleasure while they slept? Think of how graphic it can be. You weren't there, would you trust him to sleep with your boy? If not, why?

Entertainment is the currency for which those who mourn the death of MJ have exchanged their moral fortitude. It is also the currency for which many Americans have sold their freedom. His is not a death to be mourned. It is not a necessity to celebrate his death, but it is a travesty to mourn it. His death has rid the world of a serial child molester. Children are safer simply because he's dead. I would think those of you memorializing this life devouring purity defiler, would consider his victims and their families. Have you prayed for them? Do you care?